Sunday 10 February 2008


There's a warm fluffy feeling that invades us every once in a while, a feeling that deletes all the mind games, all the strategies and tactics. a very simple feeling, one that removes all barriers and goes to the core, a simple feeling of certain pasts, times and places, the underlying genius of this feeling is that it sheds all the "makeup" from the past tense, and looks at people's faces with the eyes of a child, without any judgement or prior impressions, odd..since those faces are of the past, it's in our instinct to refer to our judgements and impressions, as our minds fold them away in the archives of the subconscious.

It is probably an attempt to hold a retrial for those pasts, a re-examination of events that might have led to the indictment of someone, and then found them guilty, and yet..our minds still review those judgements every once in a while, it would never allow an unfair trial, especially if the accused held..or maybe still holds a key to our hearts.

The process of this retrial is a long one, but it begins with the detailed recollection of the good, and the overlooking of the bad in the past under examination, we long for the scent of that rose we once held, but we willingly overlook the wound her thorns caused, we miss those times, they were good times, we might even remember details we thought we forgot, but our minds never let go of any good memories, it might store them somewhere safe, away from our daily thoughts, but when we ask for the file of a certain period in our past, with the intention to remember the good..we even surprise ourselves with the amount of good memories we have about something..or someone we -at one point- found guilty.

Nostalgia, a retrial of our pasts, amazingly, the retrial takes less than a second, all it takes is the memory of a smile to find those who were guilty..innocent again, an un-announced pardon to people who might not even be seeking one, but at least we were true to our own promise of justice.

I have set free many prisoners, and they're running free in the prison called my mind.


  1. WOW...
    amazingly expressed..

    Once we forgive and set them free.. we set our selves free as well!

  2. Thanks life, true..forgivness is a divine attribute, and when you practice it, you actually become closer to God, and further away from the prison of yourself.

  3. OH WOW!
    man.... the way you express your feeling are just amazing, walahi you are the only one that i love your articles to the point that i'm speechless, every time i feel like i wanna say something, bs i just read more and more to end up leaving with no words to say!
    what can i say? wow!!

  4. Thanks Maioush, that's a very nice compliment! I'm glad you like it :)

  5. OUCH!! I have butterflies in my stomach :))

    It's amazing how a person cracks on a little smile while being nostalgic (you might look like a fool in the middle of a meeting or a class; but still the feeling is…just refreshing).
    I specifically loved that last sentence "I have set free many prisoners, and they're running free in the prison called my mind"

    Awesome post man :)) Keep writing ;)

  6. Ammar

    What makes what you said so true is,(especially if the accused held..or maybe still holds a key to our hearts.) see if they did not remembering the good times is just painful, and setting them free is not that easy, it takes a lot more than a second and the memory of a sweet smile.

  7. Firecracker,
    Thanks very much..and welcome!

    True, hence the title "Nostalgia" which is the memory of something you miss, and almost everything we "miss" was good, even if that conclusion is reached later..rather than sooner.

  8. No way Ammar... I just read your post (I got it right this time!), and this is unbelievable synchronicity... all I can say you wrote exactly wrd for wrd what I have been going through lately... Sob7an Allah!

    "our minds still review those judgements every once in a while, it would never allow an unfair trial, especially if the accused held..or maybe still holds a key to our hearts."

    I have been experiencing weird combinations of joy because of this latest forgiveness wave, a sense of lightness and a hightened awarness of beauty in things and people I took for granted for so long.

    Ammar, hats off to you and The One who created you!

  9. Why do you stay in prison when the door is wide open ~ Rumi


  10. Bas 7abeit 2oul Mar7aba :)
